Friday, August 31, 2007

New Faces - Chat Room Poll

Hello All!
My apologies for not being active recently in the chat room. I over-did myself and had to make myself take a breather.

I saw some new faces on a message board and thought it a good time to ask if there is new interest for times for scheduled chatting. Current interest for times in the UK are 7:30-9:30PM UK time (11:30-1:30PM PST usa).

You are welcome to use the chatroom anytime whether I'm there or not - and you need to have Java loaded (it's on the page if you need it).

I have epilepsy and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (from early childhood trauma). The PNES is resolving from recent somatic bodywork and EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing). It's not necessarily for everyone, but has worked for me.

Looking forward to your input!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Psychogenic Seizure Update

Hello All,
Sorry I haven't been as active on the chat, I hope others have been going out and using it. I've been real busy with this move, and not having seizures has given me new energy to do things. Like: laundry, grocery shopping, vacuuming, doing dishes, washing floors, and yes having fun. Actually was able to hike up a local river over the weekend.

I did push it a bit far in the 100 degree heat, and had some difficulties staying hydrated on the medicine I take. But we took it slow and it was a beautiful day.

There can be life after seizures. Or even while you have a seizure disorder if you are careful and plan ahead. Of course you need your doctor's input on what you can and cannot do (diving is out for most of us) but snorkling might be in with a buddy and MD permission.

One really big key for me is not getting overtired. And that is real hard, because as soon as I start feeling good, I want to do it all. And if I do, I end up in the hospital. I know this. I've done it over and over again. I'm 48 now. I don't want to do this anymore. So I recruit friends and relatives to help me slow down and/or give feedback if they see me doing this pattern yet again. I've been a type A - I take life in big gulps. Sipping is much healthier.

With the EMDR and somatic body work the PNES is waning. Life looks possible again. What a miracle.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Chat Room Schedule:

Monday August 13th: 11:30-1:30PM PST
(add two hours for central time, eight hours for UK)

If you need to load Java it is available on this Blog page.

Remember to make a noise when you enter.

Hope to see you,

Saturday, August 04, 2007

This Week's Chat Room Schedule 08-06-07

Pacific Standard Time (Add two hours for Central Time)
Monday 5PM-7PM
Wednesday 11:30-1PM
Friday 11:30-1:30PM
Saturday 11:30-1:30PM
Remember to make a noise when you enter, (click on the button with two notes)
Hope to see you there! Email me with questions/concerns,