Saturday, June 30, 2007

Join the Chat Room

Today a chat room has been added to offer live support to one another. This is not intended to replace professional advice or attention - but an anonymous forum for folks to discuss the issues that burden this disorder. And hopefully get some answers!
Twenty two years ago, I felt I had something that was too premature to be diagnosed and treated comprehensively. That if I could survive long enough, someone would figure out what was happening and answers would come. This year they are. For many, they still have not.
The studies I'm seeing on PubMed are coming from S. America, US, UK, Germany, Japan, Pakistan, India, African, Netherlands and more. Psychogenic seizures are a worldwide phenomenon. They seem to affect different aspects of the population in different parts of the world, and this may be due to how the studies are done.
I hope you'll feel comfortable to come to the chat room to either lend your expertise, your compassion or your experiences.

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