Sunday, August 13, 2006

Bird Flu Common Sense

Dear Friends,
With all the conflicting opinions out there about bird flu, I offer a middle of the road approach. Given the time we have, preparations can go slowly to be easy on the wallet.

Spare cash (ATM's might be down)
Food (REI, Mountain House have dehydrated foods you can buy online)
Water (enough for a month or more)
Masks (at least N95) Nanomasks or North or 3M
Baby supplies if that applies
Entertainment (Books, cards, games, battery powered handheld games, in case the power goes out)
Extras of everything such as TP, toiletries, petfood
3 months of medicines/contacts

You get the idea. Once you've got all this put together, you can forget about it and get on with your life. And it's a good idea to get the neighborhood going on this too. You don't want to be the only person around with food...

There are lots of good websites too:
has the best up to date breaking news on the status of bird flu around the world.

Wishing you a pleasant and relaxing day.

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